Consultation hours
The practice is open every weekday from 08:00 – 17.00 hrs.
Doctors and assistants are available on the phone and in the practice from 08.00-17.00 hrs.
This practice is available for emergencies all weekdays from 08.00-17.00 hrs.
Small problems/short questions
Everyweekday from 07.45 – 08.30 hrs there is room for appointments to discuss small problems/questions that do not take more than 5 minutes.
Evening and weekends
Doctor Burggraaff can arrange appointments in eveninghours or saturdaymorning upon personal request.
Consultation by appointment
This practice is working with appointments made by calling the asisstant. She willl ask you the reason for encounter with the practice. In order to help you in the best possible way, you may be asked some additional questions. Our staff is highly trustworthy and professional, we take your problems seriously and respect all rules of medical privacy. No patient information is shared outside the practice.
You can request an appointment (not for the same day) by e-mail. You may be asked to make another appointment if you present more than one problem.
You can ask non-urgent questions by e-mail. Usually the doctor will answer them within 2-3 days. E-mail consultation can be used when you have a question that does not require immediate action and for the interpretation of testresults. You can ask for a prescription by e-mail. The e-mail you can use is . You can also use the secure environment of the website prescriptionmodule.
Family Physician with obstetric care
Dr. Burggraaff Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, (Thursday only emergency) and Friday