Welcome to the family practice of doctor Hans Burggraaff in Weesp!
English speaking
In this family practice English is spoken easily by most of the doctors and assistants .
We are happy to speak English with you. We would like to see you learn Dutch too!!!
This is possible on line and for free, in a three week course at the University of Groningen
Dr. Burggraaff visits the USA regularly. He is happy to visit the Assembly or FMX of the AAFP (American Academy of Family Physicians) in the US every couple of years.
In september 2022 Hans Burggraaff visited WashingtonDC where he attended the Family Medicine eXperinece (FMX) of the AAFP (picture above and right). Hans Burggraaff enjoys the knowledge and experience of American and other international family physicians attending the FMX. He takes a lot of this to his beautifull hometown Weesp (Amsterdam) in the Netherlands.
He visited the Spring Conference of the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine in San Antonio Texas in May 2014 (picture left). Dr. Burggraaff visited the FMX in San Antonio 12-18 September 2017 and he visited the AAFP-Assembly in Philadelphia in October 2012 (picture below), the AAFP-assembly in Chicago in 2007, the AAFP-assembly in New Orleans (picture below standing in front of steamboat Natchez) in 2002 the AAFP-assembly in Dallas Fort Worth in 2000 and the AAFP-assembly in Orlando in 1999.
- 2022 Washington DC FMX AAFP
- 2017 San Antonio (TX) FMX AAFP
- 2014 San Antonio STFM SPRING
- 2012 Philadelphia FMX AAFP
- 2007 Chicago Assembly AAFP
- 2002 New Orleans Assembly AAFP
- 2000 Dallas/Forth Worth Assembly AAFP
- 1999 Orlando Assembly AAFP
What to do and when?
- In case of emergency. Are you in an emergency situation? Click here!
- Are you pregnant and looking for medical support? Click here!
- What about house calls? Does this family physician make house calls? Click here!
Looking at the costs of healthcare? Click here!
- Would you like to consult a family physician? Click here!
- Are you wondering about end of life issues and how your family physician can help? Click here!
- What about my crying baby? Is there something more I can do about it? Click here!
- Would you like more info about this family practice with obstetric care? Go here: Information in English
- Are you pregnant and looking for an obstetric caregiver? Click here!
- Come to the office of Hans Burggraaf for the placement of an intrauterine device (IUD). We use ultrasound imaging to ensure that it is correctly placed.
- Would you like to register as a patient of Dr. Burggraaff? If you live in the area of Weesp, Driemond and Nigtevecht you can register as a patiënt. Click here to download our registration form. Completed forms can be mailed tot h.b.burggraaff@gmail.com
- What about local history? Interested or curious? Go to: Questions about the historic flag of Weesp?
In this picture on the rightside (taken during the Assembly in October 2012) you can see Dr. Burggraaff in Philadelphia on the border of the Delaware River with the Benjamin Franklin Bridge (completed in 1926) behind him, connecting Piladelphia Pennsylvania with Camden New Jersey. You can see this bridge in the Bruce Springsteen clip: Streets of Philadelphia.
Check this website or come visit us!
Family Physician Practice with Obstetrics
The practice of Dr. Burggraaff is a family physicianpractice with obstetrics.
That is to say: with obstetric care. Your pregnancy is checked in regular intervals by the doctor.
The delivery is guided by your family physician.
Afterwards the doctor visits you at home to check the baby and you.
Try it with your family physician! He delivers well, or in Dutch: Dat bevalt goed!!!
Instructions regarding your pregnancy
Are you worried? Contact your family physician
•Mention your worries about your pregnancy or your unborn child to your doctor. Worries are always a reason to speak to your doctor. Better safe than sorry. If you don’t understand the information given, tell your doctor about it. Let my assistant know that you are worried, when you call for an appointment.
•When you are bleeding vaginally, inform your family physician. When you lose tissue, take it to the family practice. The doctor will examen it.
Epigastric pain, headache, nausea, vomiting, blurred vision and malaise.
•If your pregnancy is beyond 20 weeks and you have signs like: a headache that won’t go away, malaise, nausea, vomiting, epigastric pain, pain between the shoulder blades and / or oedema in face, hands and feet, contact your family physician.
Is your baby moving less than usual?
•Is your baby moving much less than you are used to and your pregnancy is beyond 26 weeks? No movements felt in the last 12 hours? Consult your family physician.
Do you have any abdominal pains?
Are you not yet 37 weeks pregnant and do you have any abdominal pains that are not helped by paracetamol or that last more than a couple of hours. Contact your family physician.
Waters breaking (ruptured membranes)?
If your water has broken (ruptured membranes) or any fluid loss is coming out of your vagina, please contact your family physician. Your water may break at the beginning of labour or before the start of labour. Try to catch some of this water in a cup. Contact your doctor. He will ask for the colour and if you can see white clots in it.
The cartoons are drawn by Gerrit de Jager. In the Netherlands he is famous for his cartoons with the name Familie Doorzon (translation something like: Family Average).
Choosing wisely
The family physicians in the Family Practice the Stethoscope in Weesp are strong supporters of Choosing Wisely. Choosing wisely is an initiative of a great number of medical organisations in the US. The aim is – to put it simply – to be more cost effective in the medical industry. All of us: patiënts, doctors and insurancecompagnies, are responsible for the costs of healthcare. Doctor Burggraaff is a member of the American Academy of Family Physicians, a partner organisations of Choosing Wisely. A consumer health organisation is also a strong advocate of Choosing Wisely. Check their website!
Are your curious for more info? Check the Choosing Wisely Master List.