This family practice delivers obstetric care to pregnant women. We have trained and certified doctors with experience in this field. In the Dutch system the fysiological pregnancies and deliveries are taken care of by the primairy care doctors and midwives. If instrumental delivery is necessairy (like a ceasarean) you will be referred to a gynaecologist. If you would like to know more about the track record of this practice you can look here Bevalt het goed bij deze huisarts? It is in Dutch and shows you the babies delivered from 2009 and onwards.
Your huisarts delivers well!
For more independent information in English regarding your pregnancy please check PREGNANT. It is really worth while.
We try to be a good doctor.
Praktijkfolder in English explains some clues when to call the family physician.
Do you think about a present te give to celebrate a birth or a birthday? Check out ABC of Holland! A nice and special gift about Holland in English! Interested? Go to ABC of Holland.
A special delivery was at the september 29 2017 were Eva was born at home as the first daughter of her mom. Her mother was delighted with the homebirth of Eva, she so wished so much. Dr. Burggraaff and Dr. den Admirant were both happy to assist.